Kim Sihyun Named The Produce48 Suzy Look-Alike
Kim Sihyun Named The Produce48 Suzy Look-Alike
(Source: Nate)1. [+551, -31] I think she’s trying to look similar though
2. [+205, -10] She came out on PD1… The people who saw it know this butㅋㅋㅋ That totally isn’t her face……
3. [+9, -5] Still, you can never be Suzyㅋㅋ Stop trying so hard kidㅋ
4. [+5, -5] She doesn’t touch Suzy.
5. [+5, -2] I think she looks like Ahn Jihyun thoughㅋ
6. [+0, -6] Yeah she had the same surgeryㅋㅋ
7. [+5, -0] Suzy? Is this a joke
8. [+2, -2] Not Suzy~~~~
9. [+3, -0] She looks like Irene
10. [+0, -2] Wow, she’s pretty
11. [+1, -1] Yeah~ Not gonna watch it
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